Event details

【デカマラ】無料:長さ18cm以上 or 太さ周囲16cm以上
【デカマラjr】500円:長さ16cm以上 or 太さ周囲15cm以上
受付カウンターで「デカマラ割」と伝えて下さい。ロッカーキーを先にお渡しします。その後、プレイ用の服装になってご自身で勃起させた状態のチンポをGHOスタッフが受付で測定しデカマラ認定します。認定されれば「GHOデカマラ認定カード」を贈呈します、次回よりカード提示でデカマラ割引が利用できます。認定されない場合は必要な料金をお支払い下さい。詳しくは本ページ下部に記載のHow toをご確認下さい。
通常 | デカマラ割 | デカマラjr割 | |
一般料金 | 1,500円 | 無料 | 500円 |
55歳以上 | 2,000円 | 無料 | 500円 |
学割料金 | 500円 | 無料 | 500円 |
Thursday is the discount day for huge dicks! Men with huge dicks, gather at Glory Hall OSAKA! Boast of your length, boast of your thickness, boast of your total score, today, your dick is king, not your face or body. Stick your huge dick deep into the throat! Strike it against the cheeks of a measuring dog!
●Target audience
All ages
Every Thursday
Giant dick】Free of charge: Length 18cm or more or Thickness 16cm or more in circumference
Giant dick junior】500 yen: length 16cm or more or thickness 15cm or more in circumference
*We may certify the overall score (calli, shape, tension, etc.) even if it is a little short of the above values.
●Discount method
At the reception counter, tell them “Dekamara Discount”. You will be given a locker key first. After that, you will be dressed for play and have your own erect penis measured by GHO staff at the reception desk to certify that you have a big dick. If you are certified, you will receive a “GHO big dick certification card”. If you are not certified, please pay the necessary fee.
Cannot be used in conjunction with other discount services except student discount.
Priority will be given to limited events during the year-end and New Year’s holidays, Golden Week, Bon holidays, etc.
每周四为大鸡鸡打折! 拥有巨屌的男人们,齐聚开发大厅大阪光荣大厅! 吹嘘你的长度,吹嘘你的厚度,吹嘘你的总分,今天最重要的不是你的脸蛋或身材,而是你的老二。 把你的大鸡巴插入喉咙深处! 用你的小弟弟撞击 “尺狗 “的脸颊!
巨型鸡鸡] 免费:长度 18 厘米或以上或周长 16 厘米或以上
大鸡鸡] 500 日元:长度 16 厘米或以上或周长厚度 15 厘米或以上。
在接待柜台,告诉他们您想要 “大屁股折扣”。 他们会先给你一把储物柜钥匙。 之后,GHO 工作人员会在接待区测量您勃起的鸡巴,并认证为大鸡巴。 如果您通过了认证,您将获得一张 “GHO 大鸡巴认证卡”,下次您可以凭此卡享受大鸡巴优惠。 如果您没有通过认证,请支付必要的费用。
How to Penis Measurement

1】Tell the reception counter “Dekamara Discount”. You will receive a locker key first.
[1] 告诉接待柜台您想要 “大屁股折扣”。 首先会给您一把储物柜钥匙。

2】Please come to the reception counter dressed for play and erected in the rest area or play area.
[2] 请穿上游戏服装,在休息区或游戏区集合,然后前往接待处。

3】The GHO staff will measure your penis through the square window next to the reception counter and certify it as a big penis.
3] GHO 工作人员测量并证明,通过接待柜台旁边的方形窗口竖起的阴茎为大阴茎。

4] 如果获得认证,您将收到一张 “GHO 大阴茎认证卡 ”和一枚 “蓝色荧光戒指”。 荧光戒指必须戴在左手腕上。
4】If you are certified, you will receive a “GHO Dekamara Certification Card” and a “blue fluorescent ring. The fluorescent ring must be worn on the left wrist.

5】Customers certified by Dekamara jr. pay 500 yen, and those who are not certified pay the required admission fee at the ticket vending machine.
[5] 持有 Decamara jr 证书的游客应支付 500 日元,没有证书的游客应在售票机前支付规定的入场费。